Very interesting read!!! We used to go yabbying in what was known as Thompsons dam. No yabbie net, all the time. So we used to gently put our hand behind the yabbie and flip it out while it was attached to the meat. We never used a sinker either. Lots of yabbies caught, in Spring & Summer.

Remember the rope on the old Charlton pool. I was only allowed to go as far as that rope, shallow end. we used to have fun on that rope, duck diving, over it, ect

I’m looking forward to your next chapter.

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Thank you for that Sullivan Patricia (or Patricia Sullivan). Glad you enjoyed the read. I don't remember Thompson's Dam. Interesting what you say about the rope in the old pool. My siblings and I did have fun in it but it really was a health hazard most of the time, although it could be argued that it helped build up immune systems!

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